Led are so common these days that people think that they know everything about the LED light. So, here are few facts about the led lights that you don’t know.
Fact 1
1.A light-emitting diode, or LED, is of solid-state lighting that uses a semiconductor to convert electricity into light. That’s pretty obvious, but I can’t stop myself from mentioning that the led bulbs are six-seven times more energy-efficient than regular incandescent lights and cut energy consumption by more than 80 percent.
Fact 2
2. Good-quality LED bulbs can have an extended battery of almost 25,000 hours or more, meaning they precisely work 25 times longer than traditional light bulbs. Cool right
Fact 3
3. The LEDs use energy efficiently and cause very little wastage of heat; on the other hand, incandescent bulbs release 90 percent of their energy as heat
Fact 4
4. LEDs don’t contain any mercury element, and according to a recent study conducted, less impact of LEDs on the environment has shown less impact. They also have the edge over compact fluorescent lights (CFL), and their technology is continually growing.
Fact 5
5. Some of the most successful projects that include the use of lead more effectively and efficiently possible which probably can extract more light and solve the fundamental technical challenges
Fact 6
6.Technology has rapidly evolved, and their costs have dropped at a tremendous rate, which makes LEDs an extremely viable lighting solution for consumers all over the world. By 2030, it is estimated that the LEDs will gain 75 percent lighting sales in the upcoming years as per led downlight manufacturer.
Fact 7
7.LEDs have many advantages over incandescent light bulbs, such as lower energy consumption, improved physical robustness, longer lifetime, smaller size, and faster results.